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Ssome commentaries by the inimitable Dr. Jack Sarfatti on three of the century's greatest quantum magicians: Einstein, Feynman, and Bohm.
Explore the exotic physics of hypothetical interstellar propulsion, as Kim Burrafato interviews Jack Sarfatti on the subject of UFOs and the New Physics.
The actual physics required for practical interstellar propulsion as they are now being investigated by NASA, amongst others, are discussed inThe Starship Builders.
It looks like Professor Courtney Brown,author of the "non-fiction" ET contact book, "Cosmic Voyage," may have committed professional suicide. On a recent Art Bell radio broadcast, the controversial Emory University professor turned remote viewing expert was ripped by Bell and author Whitley Strieber. Brown had added fuel to the growing debate over whether a mysterious"companion" has been spotted following the comet Hale-Bopp. In a previous Bell show, Professor Brown had publicly stated that he had been in contact with a tenured Astronomy professor at "a top ten university." And that this Astronomy professor claimed to have taken definitive pictures of the mysterious object -- which Professor Brown and his team of remote viewers further claimed was some kind of intelligently controlled vehicle. It later turns out, the picture that Brown released was deemed a fake, and when grilled by Bell and Streiber, Brown refused to release the identity of this so-called professor, claiming he was duped by a deliberate disinformation campaign. The Companion gets Bopped, and Brown turns Red.

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